English-XIO (ZT598-Jx0A)
Spanish (Jx0B)
English-US-OIX (Jx0D)
English-Chinese-XIO (Jx18)
Arabic-English (Jx34)
Chinese-English-IXO (Jx40)
Turkish (Jx43)
Farsi-English (Jx57)
Swedish-English-Embossed (Jx61)
Polish-English (Jx72)
Croatian-English (Jx73)
Russian-English (Jx74)
Chinese-English-XIO (Jx95)
Ukranian-English (Jx96)
English-IXO (Jx97)

Sorry, EPPs for France, Germany and Switzerland are not available.

The „x“ e.g. in ZT598-Jx0A stands for „A“ in case of SDC-EPPs and „B“ for USB-EPPs, which means either ZT598-JA0A for the SDC version or ZT598-JB0A for the USB version.

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